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We are now booking Live Streaming Shows 1 HR sets
Thursday Evenings Slot 5-8pm and 8-11pm.
Friday Evenings slot 5-8pm and 8-11pm
Saturdays 2-5pm, 5-8pm and 8-11pm
Bands to arrive at their scheduled slot times.
Bands then must tear down and leave before the next show starts. All microphones and equipment will properly sanitized before each band arrives. Times are subject to change.
BRONZE PACKAGE HD Live Streaming Show 1 hour set $500
Includes one streaming showcase only.
$100 per additional hour of streaming
SILVER PACKAGE HD Live Streaming Show 1 hour set $1000
Includes one hour streaming showcase
$100 per additional hour of streaming
Copy of your video
2 track Audio Master / Sync to Video
​(up to one hour of AUDIO & VIDEO - $5/min overage fees)
GOLD PACKAGE HD Live Streaming Show 1 hour set $1500
Includes one hour streaming showcase
$100 per additional hour of streaming
Copy of Your Video
Multi-track recording and mixdown
2 Track Audio Master / Sync to Video
(up to one hour of AUDIO & VIDEO - $5/min overage fees)
VIDEO PRODUCTION CREW (ask for details)
$150 Video Switcher
$150 Camera Man
(up to one hour of audio, $5/1min overage fees)
(up to one hour of audio, $5/min overage fees)
Streaming on our vintage Euphonix CS2000 recording console
with 3 blackmagic micro 4k studio cams and 1 blackmagic 4k studio cam.
Maximum of 5 band members allowed during Covid19 Pandemic
HST is extra on all prices above.

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